Ørkenfortet tilbyder Åben Træning (ÅT) hver søndag kl. 12-15 (også over sommeren) for vores medlemmer over 15 år. ÅT foregår i vores artistsal, hvor der er trampolin, reutergulv, dansegulv, springbane/grav og mulighed for luftdiscipliner. ÅT er for alle der ønsker at styrke egen praksis i et rum med fællesskab og sparring. Ingen undervisning – men guidet opsyn fra enten Pieter Shiffler eller Simone Ballard. Som deltager skal man være dækket af egen ansvars- og ulykkesforsikring. Et aktivt medlemskab af Ørkenfortet eller PAK giver gratis adgang til Åben Træning Drop-in koster 50 kr. Anden info og evt. aflysninger annonceres i messenger gruppen “AFUK Åben Træning”.
Ikke-medlemmer af Ørkenfortet er også velkomne men betaler 50 kr. pr. gang. Vi tager mobilepay.
Rules for Open Training
Dear participant in open training: We are very happy for your interest in using our facilities. We wish to create an open and welcoming space for everyone to practice their discipline in a dynamic, friendly, and inclusive environment. We take enjoyment in welcoming not only dedicated training, but also an opportunity for play and interpersonal connection. Creating an open and equitable space for everyone can prove to be challenging at times, especially when it compromises the safety of others in the room. We do not wish to be a place of many rules, but we cannot avoid having some basic guidelines to ensure a safe environment for all. By using this space, you agree to the following rules:
1. Your payment must be made before commencing your training.
2. No food, beverages, or glass containers in the training spaces and changing rooms. Water bottles with water are okay.
3. You must be in possession of your own insurance; we cannot take responsibility for any injuries sustained during your time here.
4. Specific circus discipline equipment is for the practice of those disciplines only.
5. You should know how to safely use the rigging equipment when practicing aerials.
6. Only one person is allowed in the foam pit at a time.
7. Trampoline usage is not to be expected.
8. Children under the age of 15 are not allowed into the space during this time.